VMC is accepting member applications for all who seek to be part of a community that empower entrepreneurs. Our membership supports kind collaborations, connects our Moms with branding and virtual networking tools, and gives access to our members to make connections with our partnering brands during #thisnewnormal. We reserve the right to deny or wait-list any application. We look for applicants who are self-starters, highly motivated and ready to make connections that matter. Our applicants are women entrepreneurs who share an expertise in a particular field, outstanding work experiences, Mom entrepreneurship, and social media accounts we feel share our passion for community and inclusivity.
Fill out the VMC member application below. Please note - once you have submitted your application you will be asked to pay your corresponding membership fee.
You can either pay monthly or annually - we leave that up to you. Your membership is not activated until fee has been paid to VMC.
Looking forward to having you Mom!
VMC has created multiple ways for you to connect to other Moms during #thisnewnormal– both virtually and in real life (we prefer in person networking too!) – Our members benefit greatly by creating professionals connections, receive on-going support and provide you with the online resources to empower your business and praise your motherhood!
VMC understands the financial budgets us Moms need to consider, select a membership that works for your business Mama!
If you're a Mom, just starting out her business or blog and seeks support and connections with other the working Mom's - this is a great membership level to begin with. We'd love to have you!
If you're a Mom, with at least 5 years of experience in a self-owned business or blog and on a limited budget for business connections with other working Mom's - this is a great membership level to launch with. We want you in our community!
You're a Mom whose been at it for a while (5-10 years), you're committed to your role as your own executive and you'd like to invest in the future of the Mom entrepreneur profession in a more substantial way. Exchanging business leads with other working Moms and creating worthy connections. This is the level for you.
Let's do this Mama!
You've earned your place as a leader of the Mom Entrepreneur profession and are serious about your commitment to the growth of VMC connections. Reflect your seriousness in your level of support, and help lead VMC forward as the VMC Mom Leader you are! You are a pioneer Mama!
You are Queen of the Mom entrepreneur industry and true inspiration to all of us. Show your commitment to VMC and everything that we stand for in the most profound way! We trust your leadership and respect your tenureship as Mom Trustee. You are what every working Mom aspires to be in the future!
Your membership will not only benefit your entrepreneurial journey but enable VMC to meet its goals and improve its platform during #thisnewnormal. Your membership is a connection we truly value!
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